Online Accounting with Integrated Ecommerce

Efficient online sales

If you take a couple of orders a day online, then entering them into your back office accounting system is no problem. Paradoxically, when your web site becomes successful you can find yourself devoting ever more staff resource trying to keep up.

Most SME web store packages stop at the point the order is taken and acknowledged. At best they offer a batch integration of these orders into a standard accounting package. At that point you need to: pick and ship the goods out; confirm that the sale has been made (an implicit sales invoice); record that payment has been received; and then reconcile that payment received against a bank statement.

Inrax streamlines and automates this process as much as possible, avoiding the need to rekey data and play catchup in your separate accounting system. An integrated system with accounts included, such as Inrax, is an efficient system. This is especially important to the smaller business whose staff resources are limited.