Online Accounting with Integrated Ecommerce

Inrax Release 2.6

13 Mar 2003
  1. Stock Journals may now be carried out via an XML import, either as adjustments to existing stock or as absolute stock counts. By exporting the results of a stock report to a spreadsheet you can now carry out a stock check, update the stock values in the spreadsheet and import back into Inrax, automatically adjusting stock values.
  2. XML imports in general have been enhanced in several ways. You now have control over caching behaviour in order to optimise performance. A new toggle allows records to be skipped when they are not found within Inrax, giving further control over how imports are executed. Error checking and reporting for badly formatted XML input data has been greatly improved.
  3. A new user setting allows you to define the date range for which transactions should be loaded into a transaction browse window when first opened. Within each transaction browse window the dates can be changed and a new fetch carried out to display any chosen set of transactions. This improves responsiveness whilst giving you full control.
  4. A default location can now be set individually for each user. This is used when the user creates new transactions.
  5. A new report called the Resource Use Report shows the resources your organisation is using within Inrax including transactions per month, number of stock items and disk space used.
  6. The General Ledger report has an additional toggle to compress (net together) line items that reference the same accounts within a particular transaction, reducing the overall report length.
  7. Price Lists have been tuned to significantly reduce the time they take to save.