Online Accounting with Integrated Ecommerce

Handling and delivery charges

Charges for delivery can be complex. Inrax supports charges by order value, a product weighting, and by number of items. Different products, or stock groups, may use different methods of charging, which can lead to conflict between items in a single order. Inrax has a sophisticated way of resolving such conflicts.

In addition stock items may incur a handling charge. You may wish to use this for items which require much packaging or are particularly bulky in relation to their value. Items which are dangerous may require special handling, examples being some agricultural chemicals or even shotgun cartridges. They are another way of charging for your cost in fulfilling the order.

There is much debate in marketing circles about whether delivery or handling should simply be included in the price. Our own view is there is no right or wrong solution. It may be that for books or CDs delivery can be rolled into the price. However it is unlikely that a bulky and heavy item can be sent from Kent to Aberdeen for the same price as from Kent to Sussex.

Either way, Inrax lets you set the policy.