Online Accounting with Integrated Ecommerce

Transaction Data Mining

An Inrax counterparty can be both customer and supplier. This allows you to net off both sales and purchase transactions, and of course a counterparty is entered once in one place.

Transactions of any type may be viewed together for a chosen counterparty in a browse window. This is often essential in managing the relationship with the counterparty. This contrasts with most SME accounting systems which require you to look either at the sales ledger or the purchase ledger but never both together.

The principle of being able to view all transactions has been extended to other areas. For instance you can see all transactions for a given stock item, general ledger account, VAT rate, or method of payment. Of course in the last three cases there are also general ledger reports which allow you to print this, but then you have to hunt through pages of paper to find your information.

As with all Inrax browse windows, these transaction windows can be sorted on any column in the window, which often makes it easy to home in on the relevant information fast on screen, possibly while you are on the telephone to the counterparty.